Sunday, 29 May 2011

Summer fun?

Diet, exercises and bikinis... These were the recurring themes in all my gals discussions lately so I figured it was definitely time to include them here ;)
Enjoy your summer everyone!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

To be on time is to be late...

Some things never change: I love to snooze, and will always make it just on time... or fashionably late :p

And to my detractors who say "just wake up 5mn earlier!"... That's 35mn less sleep per week, 2h20 a month, 30 hours less a year... During a residency where you get an average of 4 hours of sleep a night, every minute counts! I rest my case. Good night people!

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Saturday, 21 May 2011

Listening to our seniors...

It's not because we never listened to our seniors (because we occasionally did ;)), but because we Angels thought monochromatic life was really really dull. Residency was stressful enough as it is, we had to find something to make it a bit fun! And who knew there were actually fashion trends in scrubs??? :p

So I thought I would celebrate the 10th strip of Life starts After by publishing a colored one for a change :) Thanks for your continuous following guys and I'll do my best to release them regularly :)

PS: if the image appears blurry, you can click on it and it will forward you to the original crisp jpeg. Enjoy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Age is an irrelevant number

Dear RT, this one is specially for you, for nagging me about forgetting your birthday ;) If you want me to remember your exact date, I have to write it in my iPhone... And for that, I need the year otherwise it won't let me write it in :p

Anyways, I remember I was just passed my own 10,000 days mark when we last celebrated your birthday together... For those who are wondering, that's 27 years, 4 months and 16 days :p which for me was February 10th 2010... So RT's birthday is somewhere around Valentine's day...

... I think I just realized how geeky all this must sound right now. All these years as resident must have left me brain dead :p

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